Lifting Stages

Precision vertical lift stage (ball screw), travel 16 mm, rep ± 0.7 µm, load 5 kg, speed 16.6 mm/s
HT160-DC - Lifting Stages


High precision lifting stage

The lifting stage HT160 is suitable for high precision vertical move­ments. The combination of geared motors and a precise ball screw enables very small adjustment increments with high loads.

Combinable with PMT and PLT series

Equipped with stepper motor or DC motor and cross roller bearings, the HT160 has been developed to fit the PMT160 and PLT series, ensuring versatile combination possibilities for challenging multi-axis systems.

Versatile possibilities for use

This lifting stage is primarily used in measurement engineering, sensor positioning, in the optical field or in micromachining. It is also available in a vacuum version for applications in research and development.



Modell HT160-16-DC-R-16-DC-L
Travel [mm] 1616
Repeatability unidirectional [μm]± 1.6± 0.7
Repeatability bidirectional [μm]± 2.6± 1.2
Accuracy [μm]± 7.1± 3
Flatness [μm]± 0.8± 0.8
Straightness [μm]± 0.8± 0.8
Positioning speed [mm/s]8.38.3
Max. speed [mm/s]16.616.6
Max. acceleration [m/s2]0.20.2
Max. load Fx [N]5050
Max. load Fy [N]5050
Max. load Fz [N]4545
Max. Torque Mx [Nm]1.71.7
Max. Torque My [Nm]1.81.8
Max. Torque My [Nm]1.61.6
Pitch [µrad]± 40± 40
Yaw [µrad]± 20± 20
Resolution [μm]0.0420.1
Weight [kg]4.54.5


Angepasstes System für Ihr Gesamtkonzept

Your customized system

Stages for cleanroom and vacuum applications

Even more stage for your clean room and vacuum applications?

Almost all atmospheric standard axes are anodized with UHV lubrication for residual pressures up to 10-6 mbar and clean room class ISO 6 - or even better - available. Click here for the overview of our vacuum and clean room stages!

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Elger Matthes
Development, Consulting, Concepts, Innovation

T +49 (0) 351 88585-82

Francisco Samuel
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Project Management

T +49 (0) 351 88585-85

Ronald Schulze
Consulting, Project Management & Engineering

T +49 (0) 351 88585-67

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