XY scan stage for automated sample scanning | X-ray, ion radiation as well as non-tiltable beam sources e.g. synchrotron
Laboratory / Analytics



Scan stage for high-precision analysis of laboratory samples

This high-precision xy stage combination has been specially developed for use in medical technology. This Medial Science XY positioning system, in the shape of an inverted pyramid, is suitable for sample carriers up to 500 grams.  It is operated upright to work in front of a beam source (protons, X-rays, ions, gamma).

  • Ultra fast scanning or irradiation of carriers with more than 100 laboratory samples
  • Highly dynamic batch processing of samples with frequent start-stop phases at peak speeds up to 300 mm/s
  • Stiff, powerful and highly stable at standstill for enormous resolutions in the submicron range
  • Especially suitable for applications where the beam source cannot be tilted (e.g. synchrotron)
  • Extremely high durability - ideal for continuous industrial operation
Optionally expandable:
  • Different travels per axis
  • Configurable for clean room ISO 14644-1 (up to class 1 on request)
  • Cost-optimized variant with sliding screw and a stepper motor on the vertical axis
  • Immediate use with pre-configured controller incl. exemplary software
  • Trigger output or error mapping for the entire system after measurement

Individual extensions and customizations

Engineering services include the fitting of the systems to your structure and the desired controlls. Furthermore, we develop prototypes and like to adapt the systems to the environmental requirements of your application particle emission, radiation, temperature, precision special parts manufacturing, working height, collision protection, safety concept, compensation factor and filter, sensor mounting, brake, decoupling, special lubrication, special colors, holders, adapters, special motors with pharmaceutical approval, comprehensive documentation, test protocoll, llife cycle tests

Application areas

Scanning of samples with different radiation sources, Automated sample handling, High resolution analysis, Radiation analysis, Particle characterization, Surface analysis, Sample automation, Laboratory scanning systems, Laboratory imaging systems, High resolution microscopy, Research and development, Synchrotron, Materials research


782339:008.26 X Y
Travel [mm; deg] 100 100
Repeatability unidirectional [µm; deg] ± 1.5 ± 2.5
Repeatability bidirectional [µm; deg] ± 2.7 ± 5
Positioning speed [mm/s; deg/s] 150 12.5
Max. load [N] 0.5 30

Iron Core Dynamic Linear Motor

Drive     Ball Screw

Linear Scale



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