Custom development
When a practical and cost-optimized solution approach with 3D designs during the consulting has been found, we develop the detailed solution together with the technical departments of our customers.
We provide a complete selection of services
- Custom development of mechanics, electronics and software
- Design of components as well as assemblies, embedded systems, complex multi-axis and handling systems, special machinery
- CAD data exchange, project management, technological optimization
- Next: manufacturing of prototypes, special projects up to large series production
By working closely with our complete team of engineers and experienced manufacturing team, we are equipped to become a extension of our customers' technical departments and to be a close partner.

We develop modules according to your requirements. This does not just apply for the selection of drives, tracking and measuring system, but also for the execution of the project. Each development has different requirements and framework conditions and each client brings their own experience to the table. Accordingly, we adapt organization and scope of the project.

Our developers are used to finding solutions in the conflict area of accuracy, space and budget. We work in a network. This means that the traditional boundaries between the “trades” of mechanical design, electronic development, manufacturing, assembly and commissioning have been largely eliminated. We consider ourselves mechatronics. Each department contributes to the solution with their knowledge. This means that also the manufacturing and assembly teams have an influence on the product right from the start.
This is unique in this form, since all those involved in the development process work under one roof here. The communication lines are short and direct; coordination during the project process is ongoing. This saves time, avoids wrong developments and uses the creative potential of everyone. The different perspectives and experiences of those involved are important, too. This enables us to keep finding new solutions, often even in cases which others consider unsolvable.
After the design phase, we go into detail engineering. Depending on the complexity, the developer is assisted by a project supervisor who deals with the constant reconciliation between your requirements and the resulting design. If your product requires it, our project supervisor will also accompany the tests and verification, on site commissioning and series support.
Calculations and simulations are, if possible, carried out in house. For highly demanding problems, we work together with the Technische Universität Dresden and the Fraunhofer Institutes (also situated in Dresden), with whom we can boast a close exchange thanks to the concrete proximity and to the cooperation at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Feinwerktechnik.
After completing the design, we provide you with a model featuring the outer contours of the system, which you can review and approve. This design, now approved by you, is then defended internally in front of a panel of our most experienced employees before it is released for production.
If you want to position precisely and want to use our expertise for this purpose, we are happy to assist you.

Elger Matthes
Development, Consulting, Concepts, Innovation
T +49 (0) 351 88585-82 |